Monday, December 30, 2013

Attacking a fellow veteran

I don't know much about The Liberty Beacon, but given John's history of promoting his own interpretation of freedom and democracy it would be against what he proposes as it opposes freedom. When I examined his so-called "Declaration of Independence" I called it a document written by a traitor. Roger, a veteran, could have seen the same thing. I don't know if he is a former Navy chief or not, but if he is he would be in a great position to review the oath that John would also have taken as an Air Force Officer (I thank Phil/Timelord for that information). And understand what it truly means.

I also previously noted John's previous 12 hour banning on Facebook in September. It is obvious that he didn't read the memorandum about behaving himself there. It is a shame that we can not see this conversation for ourselves. I have no doubt that the "sissy" is John. John is not a patriot. He is a traitor. I have said that before and it continues to be proven to be true. John is against true liberty and he is so blinded by his beliefs he can only cry himself. And not even realize that is what he is doing.

You have no claim to Freedom of Speech, John, when you break every other rule in whatever book you care to name. You are not a true American. Leave. Right now. We, the people, don't want you here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

More Treachery

I can not believe what John Best has written over the last week on his blog, Autism Fraud. The subject matter is totally at variants with the original thrust of the blog to the point that John should make a decision. Start a new blog, or rename the current one to something more relevant.

I have previously criticised the original 13th amendment as contrary to the freedoms we have for any American citizen to run for public office. I would suggest that this is why it was never ratified. That is the only explanation I can derive from it's failure to be included in the Constitution. An amendment can not be just dropped as John is seemingly suggesting. If John wishes to prevent people from being elected he must run against them if he can, or run a campaign against them to encourage others to vote for other candidates. I honestly believe John doesn't really understand the concept of freedom for all.

But this diatribe regarding the military oath is just staggering! Mind boggling even!

I'm not a political expert, but if the members of Congress are subject to the same rules of privilege as the President then the only way a member of Congress can be removed is by impeachment, or whatever the term is for them. For that to happen there has to be a certain set of circumstances that allow for it, as was the case with Richard Nixon. If John is aware of anything like this he needs to name names and describe their activities and how they warrant a relevant order from Congress. At present he has not. He is simply generalizing and as a consequence making himself look like a bona fide traitor. The military has no power over Congress. They never have and they never will either. The structure means that they ultimately take their orders from their Commander-in-Chief, and that is the President. Any member of the military that disobeys the President would be subject to an immediate court martial and dishonorable discharge from the service. And yet that is what John Best appears to be seeking.

This is more evidence that John Best is guilty of treason as I have mentioned previously. He should be arrested and charged same.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Facebook Censorship

I don't have an account with Facebook, but from the description given by John Best on what happened to him it would appear that they apply the diplomacy rules of social engagement. I've already said on this blog that John is not a diplomat, and this is why he was blocked for 12 hours. Facebook is not a government instrumentality so they are not required to hold to the tenets of the First Amendment. That fact would make any threat by John to sue Facebook empty.

I don't know what Dave Parker's general position is on the issues at hand, but it seems that he has a good idea about free energy. He has recognized John as a nasty individual and yes, his manner is verbally violent and imputes a violent revolution. Act "Now" imputes instant action and the only instant action is a violent one. It's a shame that John is too blinded by hate to see this.

I am starting to wonder if this line of thinking may in fact be anti-semantic. The Rothschild family appears to be Jewish according to Wikipedia and John's obsession with Zionism is consistent with this. But I have nothing else to go on to prove it.

I should also address this hatred of banking, which has been detailed tremendously in this blog. It is intense and also obsessional, but whether or not there is anything to it by itself I have no clue. It would make sense given the level of obsession with the Rothschild family that there isn't.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Where the Power truly lies

I linked my last entry to John on his Autism Fraud blog, and there has been no reply. However, there have been no less than three incredible entries that further prove that he is demented. In a nutshell, he claims that his own allies are against him on Facebook, he thinks that the Russian President has some influence over United States decision making in vaccine production and yet again he thinks that his word will start a revolution by itself. I shall concentrate in this entry on the last one by correcting a number of observations he has made.

"WE have the power! WE have to stand up for ourselves and tell all of these criminal politicians to get the *&^# out of our country!!!"

There are only two ways to achieve this. Filing an action in the Courts claiming Constitutional violations, or voting against them at elections.

"WE have the power to seize the TV networks and tell each other the whole truth!"

To achieve this, we have to buy them out first.

"WE have the power to stop the illegal immigrants from coming in here and undercutting our wages to take out jobs."

To achieve this, we must increase border patrols twenty fold and also make Americans take these jobs. At present Americans are not interested in them and that is why employers want the immigrants.

"WE have the power to direct our schools to teach everyone what the bankers have done over the last 200+ years to destroy our freedoms!"

To achieve this, we must elect politicians who are willing to do this. This is aside from the fact that all the banks are doing is doing business. This is within the Constitution and to try to stop them constitutes restraint of trade.

"WE have the power to take every dime back that the bankers stole from us!"

We would have to prove theft occurred first, and in the majority of cases it has not.

"WE have the power to stop corporations like Monsanto from poisoning us with their crap they pass off as food!"

The first thing to do is to stop buying it. As long as people buy it, we do not have such a power.

"WE have the power to reopen all of our factories and make our own goods that won't fall apart in three weeks like the crap that we buy from China!"

But we do not have the power to do this at a competitive price, unless we pay the same low wages created by the illegal immigrants.

"WE have the power to tell out slimy corporations that they can't do credit checks on us, investigate what we say on the internet or tell us how we can wear our facial hair in order to work for them!"

We do have that power, and they have the power to show us the door in response to this refusal to co-operate.

"WE have the power to tell our government that WE will say whatever WE want, wherever WE want to say it, and whenever WE want to say it and that they better not even think about telling us that WE can't!"

There are however guidelines in place in general society that give just cause for us to ignore, or in extreme cases of slander or libel gag speech. The latter is of course rare.

"WE have the power to stop the planes from dropping chemicals on us!"

As long as our elected officials are prepared to do that.

"WE have the right to carry a gun any time WE want to, any kind of gun WE want and there is nothing they can say about it!"

This is true, but it comes at a cost as the children of Sandy Hook Elementary School found out last December.

"WE can put the 13th amendment back into the Constitution, keep the lawyers from ever perverting the Constitution again and repeal ever law that these lowlifes stuck us with!"

I have already addressed this in my response to John's Declaration of Independence.


Indeed we can, but it requires a number of different tactics that John will not accept. He does not have the answers and as long as he effectively screams and yells like a petulant child he never will.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Definition of Freedom, Control and so forth

I honestly believe that John Best must be a distracting puppet sent by the real enemies of Freedom and Democracy. I can not believe there could be an American who could be so detached from reality. I guess he is the sort of person who would see all that he sees as being in the same vein as the current crisis in Syria with the use of banned chemical weapons, and is seeking action. He is not going to achieve this with Zionist style rhetoric that ceased to be relevant upon the establishment of Israel.

To begin, there is much propaganda on the Internet. However the distractions are coming from malcontents like John Best. He attempts to distract and does a poor job of it because he doesn't realize that the important people realize that he is not worth the time and effort. John is in fact trying to sow the seeds of disorganization himself and undo the education that has been provided by the media to encourage us to think. That is the true definition of Freedom. If anything is hidden it is because it will not further the understanding of everything important. The majority of the United States of America know this. John does not and he tries to change the field against the majority. People who do that from such a weak position as his will be treated as he deserves. He does not have anything substantial to prove what he says is true. He only has the very propaganda he opposes, and that makes him no better that those he is trying to expose - and therefore a liar.

The channels of communication are open. We all know this to be true. CNN achieved this end and it has expanded ever since with the expansion of cable television throughout the world. Those in power know also what needs to stay secret, and this is why Wikileaks were being so disruptive within diplomatic avenues. If we need to know something we will be told. John is equally disruptive and is being treated in the same way, except that he doesn't know what is really true anymore. To call all politicians liars is not strictly a lie, but John is a politician himself as he engages in the same behavior. To call them corrupt demonstrates a lack of understanding of the political system as it stands. It may have it's issues, but as long as Americans aren't interested this will not change. John is trying to play the game instead of really trying to change it properly. As a result, no one will listen to him any more than they will listen to members of the government.

I don't know what has been happening on Facebook, but I am willing to bet that many complaints have been made about John's websites and the sites he has linked. They would be seen as offensive, abusive and inane, and a refusal to listen and learn the art of positive presentation of negative information. A form of diplomacy. John has none. He makes America look bad in the eyes of others and that is why he is being silenced legally. The other sites just want attention. They are simply using their Freedom of Speech rights and nothing more than that. It's all they are interested in. John gets banned from anywhere and everywhere because he is extraordinarily rude, extremely offensive and a full on bully.

I have already dissected his New Declaration of Independence on this blog. I would suggest that the places John has tried to contact know what I have said about it is at least partly correct in their eyes. As for John's attempt to run for President, he needs to get off his computer and travel to get his message out. There is no other way to gain attention even if it's not the sort he wants. Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein know this. The 88 percent who didn't sign the petition made that decision not because they like the government. They didn't sign because they knew 95 percent trash when they read it.

Now while John has a argument against the United States banking sector, he is erroneously including the Federal Reserve in this. The Fed may decide on interest rates, but it's not up to the banking sector to follow them. John clearly sees the banks and the government in cahoots, and in the case of the Republicans he would be correct. The Democrats however see the issue only to not be able to do anything about it due to the numbers in the Senate.

John is a control freak. He craves it and he doesn't have it. He is unable to handle that fact and it's why he is demented. We can all see this and it's why his message doesn't get out. For all John's efforts to stand up for himself he will forever stand alone. And that won't change unless John accepts that his present tactics are harming his stand, whether he's right or not. The sane people of planet Earth know that he's not.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Who's the liar?

John Best is clearly out to muddy the waters of the argument over what causes Autism.

In his latest Autism Fraud entry, he attempts to call White Out Press liars for promoting the MMR vaccine as causing Autism. I am not familiar with the decisions White Out Press refers to, but if they were made the Vaccine Court here they are not really worth the paper they are written on in law. The reason for this is that the Vaccine Court does not seek iron clad proof. It's happy with more than 50 percent proof. So I would not read anything into their decisions.

Dr Wakefield was struck off the British Medical Register for fraud. This comes from a country that does not take it's public health lightly and the decision would not have been made without considerable and detailed consideration.

I take issue with John Best's claim that the first Autistic cases were reported after the introduction of thimerosal. Autism has been around a lot longer than vaccines have been. It is genetic and no one has proven otherwise yet and I don't think they will.

That is real talk, John. You are wrong. So is White Out Press. So who is the liar? Both.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Just now I noticed that the last few entries weren't published due to a setting I changed accidentally and forgot to reset. That problem has now been fixed so enjoy the entries I have been putting on here lately. Thank you.

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's all falling apart

I wrote about Tim Bolen a few days ago, noting that John had taken the statements about the Autistic Community personally.

John has now claimed that Bolen feels that he (John) is a member of the "Autism Leadership Council".

I Googled this term and only found references to it by Bolen and by the owner of the Misadventures in Autism blog, Ginger Taylor. Ginger claimed that the Council was nothing more than an email group of some description. So I Googled John's name and limited the search to the Bolen Report website. Only one result came back, quoting John on his Hating Autism blog about Ari Ne'eman and misrepresenting Neurodiversity in the process as somehow "perverted".

It seems to me that Tim Bolen and John Best are on the same side from what I could tell.

Which brings me back to the entry from a few days ago. Why did John claim that Bolen works for the Rothschild family?

I think it's an attack on Bolen, and some delving reveals that John doesn't respect Age of Autism simply because they kicked him off their website. So it would appear that John's allies are now his enemies.
It's all falling apart, and John is now on his own and fighting a fight that he cannot win.

Evolution is progressing

It's a poor person who claims that we are all slaves when he himself is enslaved by his own world.
John Best is that person I speak of.

America is a free country. To say otherwise is treason of the highest order. Without a Constitution we would still be fighting the Indians and each other for land and rule of law would be the gun. This is what John Best wants obviously. Is that evolution? No, it is not.

Evolution is what is happening in spite of the wishes of John Best. He doesn't want to be a part of it. That means he does not wish to be a part of the human race.

After his attack on the Catholic Church not that long ago, I wonder if John may in fact be a closet Muslim.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Who does Tim Bolen work for?

I'd never seen this name before, so a quick update.

Bolen runs a website called The Bolen Report. In it he claims to be a watchdog for health care, and an opponent of a group called "Quackbusters" who he claims is failing. "Quackbusters", according to Bolen, are against alternative medicine and support only traditional medicine. I think. The section on Bolen's website was very much a case of TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read for the uninitiated).

But as I looked for this information, the main page revealed why John Best has made the claim that Bolen works for the Rothschild Family. He has taken Bolen's latest articles critical of the Autistic Community personally.

Why this is I don't know.

Hopefully some answers will be forthcoming.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

John Best is above the Catholic Church

I am truly amazed at John Best's arrogance. He actually had the nerve to try and gain their support against vaccines.

Western religious groups have been long time supporters of vaccination. They have constantly sought answers to disease once they realised that prayer was not enough. Vaccines were the answer. Church groups see those who develop vaccines as angels sent by God to eliminate disease from planet Earth. They always have.

John clearly sees those angels as devils and has clearly shown the Catholic Church this belief. It deserves no respect and it received no respect.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Throw John Best Out of America

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

That is from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, and it's on this basis that John Best Junior of Londonderry, New Hampshire, is saying that we should throw the government out.

Despotism is "a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power". The government of the United States of America does not fulfil this criteria and it is treason to even suggest that it is. So it would be right for John to be listed as a terrorist, even if he is protected by the First Amendment. There is little effective corruption and the majority of Americans don't really care.

John is wasting his time because he doesn't know who the real liars are. As a result, he is lying because he doesn't understand the truth. And that kind of person should be shown the fastest route to the border, and told to not let the door hit his ass on the way out.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

John Best's treachery confirmed

In a move that I can only describe as unpatriotic and treacherous, John Best has now started a petition to replace our Declaration of Independence with a second version. This second version will crush the land of the free and reduce our capacity to support an independent population to that of any war ravaged African country you can name. Let's break down the 21 points that John has listed;

1. The People hereby terminate the employment of every elected and appointed official in our Federal Government with all monies and benefits due cancelled.
Leaving who to look after essential services? The states? The key to essential services is one central control point. Weak states such as Michigan will crash in seconds and they will have nothing to fall back on. This goes against the key reasons the Union was formed to begin with.

2. The People hereby seize control of all television networks broadcasting in the United States, to be used for the purpose of conducting honest campaigns and debates, with equal time free to all candidates to present themselves to the public. No candidate may be excluded for any reason. The amount of time seized from television networks will be later determined at the discretion of The People.
The consequence of this will be hate based riots as groups such as the Klu Klux Klan will be allowed to preach their racist views. Other hate groups based in religion and race will be similarly enpowered. There would be anarchy.

3. The People hereby seize control of the Federal Reserve Bank and all of its assets, cancel all debt allegedly owed to it and cancel all debt based on the counterfeit currency of the Federal Reserve since it’s unconstitutional inception. Congress shall now obey article 1, section 8 of the Constitution and shall be the sole issuer of all currency in the United States in perpetuity. All profits gained by the owners of the Federal Reserve are to be accounted for and seized under RICO law and redistributed equally to all citizens of the United States.
I have already explained before on this blog that the government owns and runs the Federal Reserve through an independent board appointed by the President. The debt that the government is in can not be just written off. This would lead to creditors filing suit that would bankrupt the United States of America fast and our dollar would be worthless.

4. The People hereby cancel all foreclosures.
This would also lead to the banks filing suit as this would put them out of business costing consumers their savings in the process.

5. The People hereby ban imports of goods from Asia and other countries who manufacture goods at below our minimum wage.
This would cause companies to move off shore and cost America hundreds of thousands of jobs.

6. The People hereby reinsert the original 13th amendment to the Constitution and number successive amendments accordingly. Thus, no member of the BAR will henceforth serve in any capacity in the government of the United States.
This assertion goes against the spirit of Part 2 which makes it clear that no one should be exempt from running for public office. This fact would invalidate this Declaration as a legal document, as well as changing the Constitution without consulting the states which is equally illegal.

7. The People hereby ban all campaign contributions. No form of bribery will henceforth be permitted of any candidate or holder of public office. Neither Congress nor any other body shall subvert this with any legal nonsense. No Bribery of any sort will exist upon penalty to be decided by jury.
Campaign contributions are essential for expenses such as advertising and travel. Banning this practice, whilst it may stop bribery, will prevent just anyone from running for public office. This would again be against the spirit of part 2 and therefore invalidates the legality of this document.

8. The People hereby revoke all laws and Presidential Executive Orders that violate the Constitution of the United States. A new Congress will have the task of sorting this out.
This is a decision for the Supreme Court, not the People or Congress.

9. The People hereby declare all vacant housing units owned by any bank or government entity to be property of the People of the United States and to be distributed to victims of foreclosure and subsequently to all homeless people. Foreclosure victims whose home has not been reinhabited by any buyer may reclaim possession.
This will again cause the banks to file suit as it will bankrupt them. See what I said to part 4.

10. The People hereby ban the practice of injecting any form of mercury into people and animals with vaccines.
This practice has already been banned.

11. The People hereby ban the use of fluoride in drinking water.
This will result in the destruction of the teeth of children who won't brush them. This will be a public health disaster.

12. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on the history of the Rothschild family, the banking family who tried to enslave the United States via the Federal Reserve.
The Rothschild family would be within their rights to sue for defamation on this subject.

13. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, a plan written by the Rothschild family to enslave all of the inhabitants of Earth.
Zionism has already got what they wanted. Israel. This part of the declaration is anti-semantic.

14. The People hereby establish that neither Congress, the president nor any government employee or entity shall keep secret anything from the People except military matters that could divulge operations resulting in harm to military personnel or loss of technology.
This is another anarchy creating concept because there are financial matters that must be kept secret when dealing with other countries. Exposition of these dealings would shut down diplomatic relations and isolate America from the rest of the world.

15. The People hereby demand full disclosure of “Tesla technology” to be used for free energy and other applications immediately.
This would cause yet another suit to be filed, this time by electricity companies who use other resources - and in the meantime they would shut down the grids until this part was withdrawn from the declaration. I am not saying we should not use this technology, but rather we should introduce it as part of the competitive environment instead of mandating it in the manner imputed by this document. However, Tesla technology is highly volatile from what I have read and can not be easily controlled. The danger level is the reason why usage would in fact be more expensive than other power generation techniques, because you can't pay any one person enough to look after such volatile technology.

16. The Treasury shall issue United States Notes to replace all Federal Reserve Notes and shall send every unemployed adult a weekly check, regardless of current status, for $300 until such time as full employment is returned to the People in the process of reestablishing our manufacturing capabilities that were shipped to other countries.
It is impossible within the United States to achieve full employment without imports. New bank notes will be worthless as indicated in what I said to part 3.

17. The People hereby order that terms for US Senator shall be reduced to four years and that no Senator may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
This is the first part that I do agree with because it brings the Senate into line with the Presidency.

18. The People hereby order that no US Representative may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
This is also agreeable.

19. The People hereby order that all elections be conducted with paper ballots to end machine tampering. Ballot counts to be verified by interested parties, not any appointed employees.
Paper ballots are expensive and also require attendence at ballot boxes. In order to encourage voting, machine voting should be streamlined, not rejected.

20. The People reaffirm that We rule ourselves in freedom. Enacting laws contrary to freedom shall be considered treason, punishable by death or as determined by a jury. Elected officials are servants to The People. It is the duty of every citizen to make sure they remember that.
This statement is contradictory. True freedom is impossible because it becomes a battle of survival and a truly democratic nation should never stoop to such levels. In order to serve properly in the best interests of America, certain freedoms must be restricted. To oppose such common sense in a democracy is true treason and I hold John Best guilty.

21. Temporary officers shall be appointed from among signers of this Declaration to manage the affairs of government for a period not to exceed 120 days or until elections can be conducted to replace our current corrupt officials.
I can assure you, John Best, that with the freedoms you have provided in this constitution, rich executives of business will win the posts of public office and America will be turned into a slave colony. All because you provided the freedom in this Declaration for them to do so.

I label this document treacherous and against the Patriot Act, and John Best should be arrested and charged same.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We are not stupid or cowards

John Best has gone to a new low, calling all of us stupid and cowards.

Did he by any chance see the reaction and response to the Boston bombings? Was the reaction stupid? Were everyone who responded to the attack cowards? The answer is a loud "NO!" for both. The only stupid cowards were the two bombers. So John is claiming that we are no different to those two rogues.

That is heinous, John. Completely and utterly heinous.

Flouride has long been known to be harmless in water. To say otherwise is stupid and lacking in scientific know how. The only reason people watch the Superbowl commercials at half time is because they are productions in their own right simply because they are a prized commodity. The Superbowl is consistently a high rating presentation. If advertisers put half as much effort into commercials 365 days a year as they do just to get into that Superbowl half time window we wouldn't see some of the trash that they push forward at other times.

The reference to guns demonstrates that John is a firm believer that the second amendment does no harm. There are many examples of this not being the case. Sandy Hook was the worst of recent times, but it must be made plain that guns are not toys. In childhood, you can't be thinking of guns. Well, except maybe the ray guns of cartoons and science fiction. Real guns are not fun and can never be treated as such, and yet it would seem that John Best wants exactly that. I doubt that the families affected by Sandy Hook would agree with you, John.

I have already commented on this blog about John's views on mercury, the Libertarians and the Rothschild family. John should be getting the memo by now if indeed he has been talking about the Rothschild conspiracy for three years. He is wrong. His message is not getting out for this reason, and he is yet to see this. In fact I don't think he is even capable. He is a bitter, twisted and intellectually deficient man who offers nothing but rants and ravings better suited to the night owls watching the Shopping Channels.

Putting John on television is a wasted exercise, except for a lively argument that John would lose faced with facts.

Friday, January 18, 2013

John Best is crazy

This would be highly amusing if it wasn't for the fact that it was so amazingly obsessional.

A few facts for you from the history of the United States of America;

A. The federal reserve is owned by the United States Federal Government and run by a Board of Governors appointed by the President. The Rothschild family have no say in the decisions that it makes, and any decision can be over ruled by the President. The Reserve was needed because private banking was out of control and a central bank was needed to control interest rates in particular.

B. The United States is in debt to the tune of $16 trillion. That is true. But our creditors are far wider than just one. It is a mixture of countries through the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Our borrowings are partly to blame for the crisis in Greece as there isn't enough left to bail them out properly. Other countries could shut us down if they wanted to. If the Rothschilds were indeed in charge they would have done so by now. But they haven't. If I was owed $16 trillion I'd be going after it and place the debtor in forced receivership.

C. No one has earned anywhere near $400 trillion dollars and kept it. That is utterly impossible.

D. Goldman Sachs is an American corporation that has no relationship with the Rothschild family. Their funding of both 2012 Presidential campaigns was designed to stop either Romney or Obama (especially the latter) from investigating their activities which have come under general scrutiny - particularly in 2008. This activity also had nothing to do with the Rothschild family.

E. ABC is owned by the Walt Disney Company, not the Rothschild family.

F. CBS is owned by the CBS Corporation, the current name for Viacom, not the Rothschild family.

G. NBC is owned by NBC Universal, a joint venture by Comcast and General Electric, not the Rothschild family.

H. CNN is owned by Time Warner, not the Rothschild family.

I. There is no evidence that any medical school or pharmaceutical company is owned by the Rothschild family.

I have previously observed that America is a capitalist country. John Best wants this to end, thereby completely changing the very fabric of the hard working America we have grown up with. The country runs on money and to stop that would destroy America. Perhaps that's what John Best wants, and if so he should be arrested and tried for high treason. Instead of call these complaints he should participate with the hard work required and earn his right to speak. We may have the First Amendment, but we equally have the right to ignore. John Best is being ignored and he is unable to handle it. He is being ignored because his behavior is anti American.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stop the Revolution

It is insane to even suggest in a country that lives on the almighty greenback to say "No More Bankers".

I'm sorry, Mr Best, but we need them. We need the banks. We need a safe place to put our money and call on it when we need it. We need banks in order to borrow money to buy homes and cars. Who will provide these services without banks?

This suggestion by John Best reeks of extremist socialism. We don't want that. We never have and we are not about to start. Mr Best clearly does not understand the concept of capitalism and the freedom this provides America. If he has been left behind it's because he hasn't done enough or he is being penalized for doing the wrong thing. I think it's because he's doing the wrong thing.

If you see Mr Best handing out his leaflets - take one, tear it up in his face and tell him to his face that we want no extremist socialists in the land of the free. And put the remains of the leaflet in the trash where it belongs.

Jump in your car and go to Mexico, John. You'll be more welcome there. This is treason against American culture and you should be tried for it before the people.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

An over reaction of epic proportions

I am amazed. John Best finds a note that three people reported his Autism Fraud blog, and he thinks he is being stalked.

It is abundantly clear that John's insistence that people discuss things with him are falling by the side of the road. That's because more and more people are seeing that he can not be debated with. We know that he does not tell the truth about Autism. It doesn't matter how "scholarly" he puts this material. Wrong information is wrong information. It's John who is behaving like Chicken Little, trying to tell everyone the sky is falling when it's not.

I have no idea what is going on with Facebook as I do not have an account there so I would appreciate some information on this.

There is no violation of the Bill of Rights. There are precedents where certain behavior is not protected by the Bill of Rights. Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Neither is Slander or Libel. Of course they have to be proven in a Court of Law, but once it is there is no protection. Such acts can be denied.