Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Canary Party

When the Canary Party was first formed, I thought it seemed like a cool idea.

But since then it seems that they have kicked the right people away. Paul Offit is a good example.

But it seems that even they can't stand John Best.

They have stated that they wish for the Autistic community to be united. There is no chance of that unless they are prepared to deal with all the different studies (correct and otherwise) and put them all into perspective in a way that everyone will accept. Without the threat of hot coals that is not going to happen. And even hot coals isn't going to dissuade John Best!

Thimerosal has been removed from all vaccines except some versions of the flu vaccine. So it has in effect been banned. John Best can't make the claim that "Flu Shots Cause Autism" like his car says without being laughed at.

The Canary Party are not a serious political challenge, even by ignoring John Best.