Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What makes a psycho killer?

I was disgusted to read John's entry on his Autism Fraud blog claiming that all people with Asperger's Syndrome are potential killers. This assumption is based in the speculation that Connecticut shooter Adam Lanza had the condition. No formal diagnosis has been confirmed that I've seen by Lanza's father. So at present I have to say that this assertion is a lie.

Psycho killers are hard to describe, but confirmed killers are not inherently Aspies, or even anywhere else classified as Autistic Spectrum. One doesn't have to be Autistic to be a killer. Look at Jared Loughner. He's not Autistic. Neither is Anders Behvrig. There have been other killers who were not Autistic either.

There is no doubt that the killers of recent times were mentally disturbed. James Holmes was without a doubt. But he wasn't Autistic. Mental disturbance and Autism do not correlate. They can't, unless the term "mental disturbance" is being used too liberally. And it shouldn't because it undermines the concept and effective treatment of mental health issues, including mental illness of which Autism is not. Autism can have associated mental health issues, but they can be treated through counselling and understanding.

John uses this claim as a platform to call for the cure he claims already exists. It is well know that mercury has nothing to do with Autism, so John's insistence that chelation should be used is wrong. There is no cure. John should know this as he has two sons on the Spectrum by his own admission. If he had the solution his sons would be cured. But reading between the lines they haven't been. I wonder if the son with Asperger's has seen this entry. If so, I wonder how he feels about his father calling him a potential psycho killer. Is John warning us about his son? Is he having trouble with him himself? This is a question that should be put to him on his blog. I would do it myself, but I don't want him tracking down my IP and sending out death threats as he has been known to do.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if John himself is a potential psycho killer. His anger is obvious. Perhaps it's time his psyche was looked into, if at least to confirm my previous thought that he may be developing dementia.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

John Best: Agent Against Autism

Everybody's wrong according to John Best. Only he is right about Autism.

I am amazed, but I shouldn't be. For all this time, John is not admitting that he just might be wrong about Autism. Everyone he has named knows that it has not been confirmed that thimerosal is the smoking gun in Autism. I don't know what revelation in 1999 blew the whole thing wide open according to him. I never read anything about it, but then I don't read obscure little websites that press conspiracies.

I don't know what it will take to stop John from flapping his lips, or perhaps to be strictly accurate tapping his keyboard. So many people know he is not telling the truth. We can't stop him from talking full stop. The First Amendment permits him to speak even if he does lie. It's clear that he doesn't have the intelligence to understand what is going on around him. Or like I said in the previous entry, he's developing dementia.

I would be interested to see what happens if I was to comment on his blog now. The trouble is that I don't want him playing the paranoid victim and send a screaming lying email to my service provider trying to paint me for something I'm not. I have no visits from New Hampshire in my site statistics since I was told this blog wasn't public. I only have Montana, New York, Georgia and Michigan from within the United States, as well as some visits from Australia of all places.

So if someone else could advertise this blog where John can see it, my blog could at least get a read. I doubt that he would listen, such is his stubborn attitude. If anyone is an agent against Autism, he is. Asperger's Syndrome is Autism and the DSM-V change in May 2013 will confirm this. Most Autistics can speak or at least communicate in some acceptable manner. And there is no evidence that I am aware of that a single person has been cured of the condition. So, John, if you do see this please provide the names of the families who have a former Autistic in their number, or at least some before and after evidence of this cure you claim has been used with 100 percent success.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

General Electric own a thimerosal plant?

It is truly strange where John Best gets his information, and I have failed to comment on this until now.

Whilst it is well known that the founder of Autism Speaks used to be an executive with General Electric, the idea that GE is involved in the creation of a small preservative that is right out of favor and all but dead in the water as it is only found in one version of the Influenza vaccine and that is all is ludicrous.

Autism Speaks does have a reputation for not operating in the best interests of the Autistic community. That much is true. But they are not proponents of the pharmaceutical industry. Far from it, they in fact have serious reservations about them which is just as bad. They believe that vaccines have made a major contribution to the upswing in the prevalence of Autism. But there is little positive proof of this.

Equally there is no proof that John Best is right about thimerosal playing a major role in causing Autism. He believes there is, but he is believing those who are not telling the truth.

I can only assume that John has made this story up in order to justify his views on the matter. So I will state that to be fact and summarily call John a liar.