Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What makes a psycho killer?

I was disgusted to read John's entry on his Autism Fraud blog claiming that all people with Asperger's Syndrome are potential killers. This assumption is based in the speculation that Connecticut shooter Adam Lanza had the condition. No formal diagnosis has been confirmed that I've seen by Lanza's father. So at present I have to say that this assertion is a lie.

Psycho killers are hard to describe, but confirmed killers are not inherently Aspies, or even anywhere else classified as Autistic Spectrum. One doesn't have to be Autistic to be a killer. Look at Jared Loughner. He's not Autistic. Neither is Anders Behvrig. There have been other killers who were not Autistic either.

There is no doubt that the killers of recent times were mentally disturbed. James Holmes was without a doubt. But he wasn't Autistic. Mental disturbance and Autism do not correlate. They can't, unless the term "mental disturbance" is being used too liberally. And it shouldn't because it undermines the concept and effective treatment of mental health issues, including mental illness of which Autism is not. Autism can have associated mental health issues, but they can be treated through counselling and understanding.

John uses this claim as a platform to call for the cure he claims already exists. It is well know that mercury has nothing to do with Autism, so John's insistence that chelation should be used is wrong. There is no cure. John should know this as he has two sons on the Spectrum by his own admission. If he had the solution his sons would be cured. But reading between the lines they haven't been. I wonder if the son with Asperger's has seen this entry. If so, I wonder how he feels about his father calling him a potential psycho killer. Is John warning us about his son? Is he having trouble with him himself? This is a question that should be put to him on his blog. I would do it myself, but I don't want him tracking down my IP and sending out death threats as he has been known to do.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if John himself is a potential psycho killer. His anger is obvious. Perhaps it's time his psyche was looked into, if at least to confirm my previous thought that he may be developing dementia.


Anonymous said...

It's sad. I've seen fathers deny/dismiss their kid's diagnosis (my own dad being one), but I've never seen anger this extreme and misdirected. Alot of it has to do with the fact that autism does have a genetic component and has been known to pass from parents to children. Many parents would rather not acknowledge this. He is very obsessive and has black-and-white thinking. Perhaps it's the result of untreated autism.

Anonymous said...

A lack of acknowledgement of who a person really is would be a mental challenge in itself.

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