Monday, September 2, 2013

The Definition of Freedom, Control and so forth

I honestly believe that John Best must be a distracting puppet sent by the real enemies of Freedom and Democracy. I can not believe there could be an American who could be so detached from reality. I guess he is the sort of person who would see all that he sees as being in the same vein as the current crisis in Syria with the use of banned chemical weapons, and is seeking action. He is not going to achieve this with Zionist style rhetoric that ceased to be relevant upon the establishment of Israel.

To begin, there is much propaganda on the Internet. However the distractions are coming from malcontents like John Best. He attempts to distract and does a poor job of it because he doesn't realize that the important people realize that he is not worth the time and effort. John is in fact trying to sow the seeds of disorganization himself and undo the education that has been provided by the media to encourage us to think. That is the true definition of Freedom. If anything is hidden it is because it will not further the understanding of everything important. The majority of the United States of America know this. John does not and he tries to change the field against the majority. People who do that from such a weak position as his will be treated as he deserves. He does not have anything substantial to prove what he says is true. He only has the very propaganda he opposes, and that makes him no better that those he is trying to expose - and therefore a liar.

The channels of communication are open. We all know this to be true. CNN achieved this end and it has expanded ever since with the expansion of cable television throughout the world. Those in power know also what needs to stay secret, and this is why Wikileaks were being so disruptive within diplomatic avenues. If we need to know something we will be told. John is equally disruptive and is being treated in the same way, except that he doesn't know what is really true anymore. To call all politicians liars is not strictly a lie, but John is a politician himself as he engages in the same behavior. To call them corrupt demonstrates a lack of understanding of the political system as it stands. It may have it's issues, but as long as Americans aren't interested this will not change. John is trying to play the game instead of really trying to change it properly. As a result, no one will listen to him any more than they will listen to members of the government.

I don't know what has been happening on Facebook, but I am willing to bet that many complaints have been made about John's websites and the sites he has linked. They would be seen as offensive, abusive and inane, and a refusal to listen and learn the art of positive presentation of negative information. A form of diplomacy. John has none. He makes America look bad in the eyes of others and that is why he is being silenced legally. The other sites just want attention. They are simply using their Freedom of Speech rights and nothing more than that. It's all they are interested in. John gets banned from anywhere and everywhere because he is extraordinarily rude, extremely offensive and a full on bully.

I have already dissected his New Declaration of Independence on this blog. I would suggest that the places John has tried to contact know what I have said about it is at least partly correct in their eyes. As for John's attempt to run for President, he needs to get off his computer and travel to get his message out. There is no other way to gain attention even if it's not the sort he wants. Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein know this. The 88 percent who didn't sign the petition made that decision not because they like the government. They didn't sign because they knew 95 percent trash when they read it.

Now while John has a argument against the United States banking sector, he is erroneously including the Federal Reserve in this. The Fed may decide on interest rates, but it's not up to the banking sector to follow them. John clearly sees the banks and the government in cahoots, and in the case of the Republicans he would be correct. The Democrats however see the issue only to not be able to do anything about it due to the numbers in the Senate.

John is a control freak. He craves it and he doesn't have it. He is unable to handle that fact and it's why he is demented. We can all see this and it's why his message doesn't get out. For all John's efforts to stand up for himself he will forever stand alone. And that won't change unless John accepts that his present tactics are harming his stand, whether he's right or not. The sane people of planet Earth know that he's not.

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