Sunday, May 12, 2013

John Best's treachery confirmed

In a move that I can only describe as unpatriotic and treacherous, John Best has now started a petition to replace our Declaration of Independence with a second version. This second version will crush the land of the free and reduce our capacity to support an independent population to that of any war ravaged African country you can name. Let's break down the 21 points that John has listed;

1. The People hereby terminate the employment of every elected and appointed official in our Federal Government with all monies and benefits due cancelled.
Leaving who to look after essential services? The states? The key to essential services is one central control point. Weak states such as Michigan will crash in seconds and they will have nothing to fall back on. This goes against the key reasons the Union was formed to begin with.

2. The People hereby seize control of all television networks broadcasting in the United States, to be used for the purpose of conducting honest campaigns and debates, with equal time free to all candidates to present themselves to the public. No candidate may be excluded for any reason. The amount of time seized from television networks will be later determined at the discretion of The People.
The consequence of this will be hate based riots as groups such as the Klu Klux Klan will be allowed to preach their racist views. Other hate groups based in religion and race will be similarly enpowered. There would be anarchy.

3. The People hereby seize control of the Federal Reserve Bank and all of its assets, cancel all debt allegedly owed to it and cancel all debt based on the counterfeit currency of the Federal Reserve since it’s unconstitutional inception. Congress shall now obey article 1, section 8 of the Constitution and shall be the sole issuer of all currency in the United States in perpetuity. All profits gained by the owners of the Federal Reserve are to be accounted for and seized under RICO law and redistributed equally to all citizens of the United States.
I have already explained before on this blog that the government owns and runs the Federal Reserve through an independent board appointed by the President. The debt that the government is in can not be just written off. This would lead to creditors filing suit that would bankrupt the United States of America fast and our dollar would be worthless.

4. The People hereby cancel all foreclosures.
This would also lead to the banks filing suit as this would put them out of business costing consumers their savings in the process.

5. The People hereby ban imports of goods from Asia and other countries who manufacture goods at below our minimum wage.
This would cause companies to move off shore and cost America hundreds of thousands of jobs.

6. The People hereby reinsert the original 13th amendment to the Constitution and number successive amendments accordingly. Thus, no member of the BAR will henceforth serve in any capacity in the government of the United States.
This assertion goes against the spirit of Part 2 which makes it clear that no one should be exempt from running for public office. This fact would invalidate this Declaration as a legal document, as well as changing the Constitution without consulting the states which is equally illegal.

7. The People hereby ban all campaign contributions. No form of bribery will henceforth be permitted of any candidate or holder of public office. Neither Congress nor any other body shall subvert this with any legal nonsense. No Bribery of any sort will exist upon penalty to be decided by jury.
Campaign contributions are essential for expenses such as advertising and travel. Banning this practice, whilst it may stop bribery, will prevent just anyone from running for public office. This would again be against the spirit of part 2 and therefore invalidates the legality of this document.

8. The People hereby revoke all laws and Presidential Executive Orders that violate the Constitution of the United States. A new Congress will have the task of sorting this out.
This is a decision for the Supreme Court, not the People or Congress.

9. The People hereby declare all vacant housing units owned by any bank or government entity to be property of the People of the United States and to be distributed to victims of foreclosure and subsequently to all homeless people. Foreclosure victims whose home has not been reinhabited by any buyer may reclaim possession.
This will again cause the banks to file suit as it will bankrupt them. See what I said to part 4.

10. The People hereby ban the practice of injecting any form of mercury into people and animals with vaccines.
This practice has already been banned.

11. The People hereby ban the use of fluoride in drinking water.
This will result in the destruction of the teeth of children who won't brush them. This will be a public health disaster.

12. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on the history of the Rothschild family, the banking family who tried to enslave the United States via the Federal Reserve.
The Rothschild family would be within their rights to sue for defamation on this subject.

13. The People hereby order instruction in all high schools on “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, a plan written by the Rothschild family to enslave all of the inhabitants of Earth.
Zionism has already got what they wanted. Israel. This part of the declaration is anti-semantic.

14. The People hereby establish that neither Congress, the president nor any government employee or entity shall keep secret anything from the People except military matters that could divulge operations resulting in harm to military personnel or loss of technology.
This is another anarchy creating concept because there are financial matters that must be kept secret when dealing with other countries. Exposition of these dealings would shut down diplomatic relations and isolate America from the rest of the world.

15. The People hereby demand full disclosure of “Tesla technology” to be used for free energy and other applications immediately.
This would cause yet another suit to be filed, this time by electricity companies who use other resources - and in the meantime they would shut down the grids until this part was withdrawn from the declaration. I am not saying we should not use this technology, but rather we should introduce it as part of the competitive environment instead of mandating it in the manner imputed by this document. However, Tesla technology is highly volatile from what I have read and can not be easily controlled. The danger level is the reason why usage would in fact be more expensive than other power generation techniques, because you can't pay any one person enough to look after such volatile technology.

16. The Treasury shall issue United States Notes to replace all Federal Reserve Notes and shall send every unemployed adult a weekly check, regardless of current status, for $300 until such time as full employment is returned to the People in the process of reestablishing our manufacturing capabilities that were shipped to other countries.
It is impossible within the United States to achieve full employment without imports. New bank notes will be worthless as indicated in what I said to part 3.

17. The People hereby order that terms for US Senator shall be reduced to four years and that no Senator may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
This is the first part that I do agree with because it brings the Senate into line with the Presidency.

18. The People hereby order that no US Representative may serve more than two terms. Let the Constitution be amended to reflect this order.
This is also agreeable.

19. The People hereby order that all elections be conducted with paper ballots to end machine tampering. Ballot counts to be verified by interested parties, not any appointed employees.
Paper ballots are expensive and also require attendence at ballot boxes. In order to encourage voting, machine voting should be streamlined, not rejected.

20. The People reaffirm that We rule ourselves in freedom. Enacting laws contrary to freedom shall be considered treason, punishable by death or as determined by a jury. Elected officials are servants to The People. It is the duty of every citizen to make sure they remember that.
This statement is contradictory. True freedom is impossible because it becomes a battle of survival and a truly democratic nation should never stoop to such levels. In order to serve properly in the best interests of America, certain freedoms must be restricted. To oppose such common sense in a democracy is true treason and I hold John Best guilty.

21. Temporary officers shall be appointed from among signers of this Declaration to manage the affairs of government for a period not to exceed 120 days or until elections can be conducted to replace our current corrupt officials.
I can assure you, John Best, that with the freedoms you have provided in this constitution, rich executives of business will win the posts of public office and America will be turned into a slave colony. All because you provided the freedom in this Declaration for them to do so.

I label this document treacherous and against the Patriot Act, and John Best should be arrested and charged same.

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