Friday, April 1, 2011

New Hampshire Autism Fraud

Autism is not caused by mercury, therefore removing mercury from the brain doesn't cure it.

Try telling that to John Best of Londonderry, New Hampshire.

This jackass won't be told, and it escapes me as to why he insists that it's true when virtually every scientific study on the freaking planet tells us otherwise. He never tells us the details of where the CDC says that the mercury in thimerosal is 200 times what a fetus can cope with in the womb, and totally ignores the fact that the flu vaccine that contains thimerosal is not the only one available. The Blood Brain Barrier theory carries no weight for the same reason; no details. The theory about aluminum replacing mercury and being as bad also lacks detail. I also fail to understand how Autism compares to Alzheimer's Disease as John tries to maintain with the APO-E4 protein.

The theory attached to testosterone makes no sense either, and how estrogen opposes it reads like shooting in the dark.

If John Best is an Autism Researcher, I'm Jesus Christ. A real researcher would provide full detail of the scientific basis of this theory. John refuses to do this, and this makes him a fraud.

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